Monday, January 27, 2014

my thoughts lately

"We just need to do our best, that's all the Lord asks of us."

"It's ok not to be perfect, it's ok to take things day by day."

"For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee."
-3rd Nephi 22:10

I've been thinking about this question lately. How can I think about Christ more throughout my day? How can I be more like him? How can I feel his presence in my life? I've been trying to study my scriptures everyday, to pray in the morning, to cut out some of the time wasters I tend to so easily distract myself with everyday, but I'm still pondering this question, how can I center my life around Christ?  I beat myself up about not being perfect all the time I feel like I should be perfect, and the fact that I'm not just makes me feel like a failure. But we have a loving Savior because we're not perfect because we make mistakes, because we feel pain and sorrow. He is there for us through every trial, every sadness, every mistake, he is there through it all. I guess with my feeling the need to be perfect sometimes I forget that Jesus Christ is there for me because I'm not perfect and that he loves me. He loves me even with all my imperfections so much so that he want's to help me overcome them. He knows exactly how I feel and is reaching his hand out to me just waiting for me to take it. And so many times I don't even think about his outstretched hand, I've decided that I want to reach toward his hand more than I have in the past. I want to feel his love and strength guide me through my life because he is there. He has always been there.


  1. I love this post! You are such a great example to me and that has been one of my goals this year too. I have been following @bofm365 on instagram to help me. Small and simple things are what matter most.

    1. I agree it really is the simple things that help the most! I just read your new blog post and I loved it! i tried to comment but it wouldn't let me :( But it was really adorable! Thanks for reading my blog! :) I think you are my only real follower! haha
