I'm sick of this summer, but at the same time I'm not ready for it to be fall yet because fall means school and moving out and as excited as I am I'm scared too! Sometimes I feel like i'm not a normal teenager, other people go out and party with their friends and I go to work or, sit at home and blog, or read a book. I mean these things are fine but night after night it gets really old and BORING! I just don't feel like I have a friend I can call up and just say" hey lets hang out" without feeling like I'm bugging them.. I just want to have a best friend. Ok, well that's enough complaining about my life for one blog post! Haha my life isn't really that boring ALL the time it just feels like that lately, but i'll live and I'm going to meet tons of new people really soon! Hopefully new friends! Well on a happier note I bought a laptop!! Which I am blogging from right now, and can I just say I love it!! It's super nice to have my own computer that isn't super SLOW like our other one hallelujah!! So this will probably mean I will post more now so get ready! Well anyway that's about all I have to say for right now so have a great Friday and go do something fun for me!
:) Love you