I'm excited because I got a job this week!! I've been going crazy lately having nothing to do, so having a job is really going to be great! :) To pass the time I've been watching Downton Abbey, the Bachelor, and House Hunters. There I just admitted how pathetic my life has been this past month. I've also started going to a Zumbaclass that is really fun and has made me happier. I never thought I would turn into the girl who loves to exercise but I really do love it, it makes me feel so much better!
It's been hard to try and start rebuilding my life, after graduating. I don't have a lot of friends, I didn't have a job until yesterday, and I'm taking this semester off from school because I'm trying to decide what I want to go back to school for. It's been really frustrating and kind of hard, but I'm excited to be starting a new job next week because that's at least a positive step in the right direction.
I've also decided to start some sewing projects to fill my time. My sisters and I have decided that we want to make vintage dresses so I bought a couple of patterns I'm really excited about! The 1940's is my favorite era for style, I'm obsessed with it. I'll keep you guys updated with the progress of our dresses, and of course my dull and boring life! :)
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Good luck on your dresses! I hope they turn out well.
the Middle Sister and Singer
Thank you! :) And thanks for checking out my blog!