Thursday, June 19, 2014

stop picking yourself apart

As girls and women we tend to pick ourselves apart and choose parts of our appearance that we think are wrong. For me two of the things that I decided were wrong with my appearance were the bump on my nose, and my wavy, curly, and sometimes frizzy hair. I thought I should have a cute little straight nose like my friends had. I hated seeing pictures of myself from the side because I thought the bump on my nose was ugly. I looked at girls I went to school with who had straight hair that was smooth as silk and looked at mine and thought, my hair is all wrong, why can't it be like theirs? I damaged my hair with a flat iron almost every morning and still wasn't satisfied when it was still puffy and not perfectly straight. I dreaded rainy days walking to and from class knowing my hair would get larger and larger as the day went on
But you know what? There is nothing wrong with my hair or my nose, they make me unique they make me, me. I may not look perfect, but that doesn't mean I'm not beautiful because of my bumpy nose and frizzy hair. Sure I still lament that I missed out on the 80's, but that's okay I can still have huge hair in 2014. I don't think there is anything wrong with straitening my hair, but I'm no longer at the point where I dread letting it go natural or I decline dancing in the rain because I don't want to mess up my hair. I'm at the point where I even like my huge hair. And as for my nose, it's just that my nose and I'm okay with it. I have a bump on my nose and you know how significant that is? Really it's not significant at all.

Insert awkward selfies here.


  1. Aw, I love your hair!
    I have curly hair and am always battling it, as well as all the insecurities that go with being a woman. I think this is a great topic that needs to be expounded on further just so we can all stop hating ourselves and each other!
    New follower :-)

    1. That's very nice of you to say thank you! And thanks for checking out my blog/commenting I love to hear what people think about the same issues as me! And I agree this is definitely a topic that should be talked about more! I also checked out your blog and really enjoyed it as well! :)

  2. :) I love your hair. Rock it! I totally agree. Women have come so far in society, it's finally at a point where things are starting to be equal (not in all arenas, but in some!) and that's a really fantastic thing. Unfortunately though, insecurities and feeling like we need to look perfect are still hanging around! I hope that that's changing too... maybe in another 20 years things will be different? I really, really hope!!! :)

    1. Thank you! :) I agree, insecurities and a beauty ideal are definitely something that we could do away with in society! There are so many kinds of beauty and we need to recognize and celebrate them, not hide them away!
