Wednesday, November 6, 2013

sticks and stones

In the past year I've had two different guys try to tell me why I'm not good enough. I'm not outgoing enough. I'm not social enough. I'm negative. I'm self critical. I'm not athletic enough. They both made me feel like I'm not good enough to be loved and it really hurt me. But you know what I realized? That what they're saying isn't true. I'm not perfect, but they both tried to paint me out to be a person that I'm not. They honestly both didn't know me that well, they don't know what's going on in my life or why I react the way that I do. They don't know, and they didn't spend enough time with me to make these judgements about me as a person, so why did I even take their unwanted criticism and let it hurt me long after they were out of my life? I honestly don't know. 
But one thing I do know is that one day I want to find a guy that treats me with the love and respect that my dad does. He is such a great example to me of the type of guy that I want to date and marry, and until recently I didn't fully realize that. It occurred to me one day when my dad sent me a text message telling me that he thinks that I'm great and told me how much he loves me. I realized that his unconditional love for me no matter what is what I want to find one day in a future spouse. I want someone who accepts me for who I am, I am highly imperfect. But you know what? I deserve to be loved and told that I matter to someone. I deserve to be lifted up instead of having all of my insecurities rubbed in my face making me feel worse about myself. Just something I've been thinking about lately. 

"The moment you feel like you have to prove your worth to someone is the moment to absolutely and utterly walk away." -Alysia Harris 

 This quote is perfect <3


  1. I LOVE THIS! All too often in our world people try to make us into people that we are not, and will never be. Maybe to that person that is perfect, but to someone else I will be their idea of perfect just by being myself.

  2. Thanks for reading Mel! I completely agree with you! If we aren't ourselves we will never be happy trying to be someone we're not!
